Thursday, January 8, 2015

What Will You “Look” Like on March 14th?

Just for a minute consider something…
Consider who you want to be on March 14th.
If you were at the very top of your health and well-being, what would you feel like? What would your family members and friends say about you? How much energy would you have?
So fast-forward and paint yourself a picture: What do you look like on March 14th?
That’s what the Whole Life Challenge will do for you when you join my team and make a commitment to replace a few bad lifestyle habits with good lifestyle habits. (You can learn more about the Whole Life Challenge by watching the two videos on this page of our website.)
Once you watch the videos, you can join my team here: For eight weeks, starting on January 17th and ending on March 14th, we’ll work on all the areas of our well-being—like nutrition, stretching, exercise, for starters.
The Whole Life Challenge is basically a game that challenges us to “try on” a whole life of health and fitness for eight weeks. As a team, we can win points and lose points (hopefully we’ll win more than we lose). And the prize is … Well, it’s who you are on March 14th.
We will be offering other prizes, such as, 3 months dues, as well as offering weekly drawings!
I hope you’ll watch the videos and join my team. In fact, I WANT you on my team!
Our Team’s name: Belmont

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Smart Goal Setting for 2015

Every year around this time we psych ourselves up with a New Year's Resolution to "start the diet" or "get back to a regular routine" right after the Holidays.  After a few months those goals typically go right out the window!  Did you reach your 2014 Fitness goals?  If so, Congratulations!!  If not, what kept you from attaining them? 
If you have trouble attaining your New Year's Fitness Goals, try to set effective goals is using the SMART goal method.
Specific: The goals must specifically state what is to be accomplished. They must be clear and easy to understand and should not be ambiguous. Think about the end result such as a 5k or making it to the gym 3 days/week.
Measurable: The goals must be measurable so that you can see the progress. For example, a goal of "I want to lose 5 pounds" has a measurable component compared to "I want lose weight," which is more ambiguous.
Attainable: A goal should be realistically attainable. The achievement of attaining a goal reinforces commitment to a program or healthy change and encourages you to continue. For example, a goal of "losing 30 pounds in 1 month" is not an attainable goal.
Relevant: The goals must be relevant to your particular interests, needs and abilities. For example, running 1-kilometer sprints would not be the best approach to training for a half marathon.
Time-bound: The goals must contain an estimated timeline or deadline for completion. Timelines can be both short-term and long-term and should help you stay focused and on track. 

Don't wait until January to set your goals. Schedule a Fitness appointment or hire one of our Personal Trainers to help you get a jump start on your 2015 fitness goals. 

Join Stephanie for a Goal Setting workshop on January 8th @ 9:30 AM & January 10th @ 10:30 AM. RSVP at front desk or email.